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Thursday, November 8, 2012

SQL Backup/Restore Percentage and Time Remaining

When you perform a restore from the GUI with SQL Server, there is a status indicator at the bottom right that tells the percentage complete.  However, when you restore from T-SQL, there is not one by default.  That information is actually stored in the sys.dm_exec_requests as well as estimated time remaining, stored in milliseconds.    Here is an example query that shows the percentage complete, as well as an estimated time remaining.

SELECT percent_complete,start_time,command, AS DatabaseName,
      DATEADD(ms,estimated_completion_time,GETDATE()) AS RemainTime,
      (estimated_completion_time/1000/60) AS MinutesToFinish
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests a
      INNER JOIN sys.databases b
      ON a.database_id = b.database_id
WHERE command like '%restore%' or command like '%Backup%' AND estimated_completion_time > 0
